In this tutorial, I show you how to easily create a Pivot Chart from an existing Pivot Table.
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Creating a Pivot Chart from a Pivot Table
Click anywhere in the PivotTable for which you want to add a chart.
1.      Select the Options tab from the Ribbon.
2.      Select PivotChart.
Excel displays the Insert Chart dialog box.
3.      Select the desired type of chart and select OK.
Creating a Pivot Chart from Data
Use the following procedure to insert a PivotChart.
1.      Place your cursor somewhere in the data you want to analyze.
2.      Select the Insert tab from the Ribbon.
3.      Select the arrow under PivotTable. Select PivotChart.
Excel displays the Create PivotTable with PivotChart dialog box.
4.      Excel automatically provides a range of cells based on your selection. You can change the table or range if desired.
5.      Select a location for the PivotChart. You can have Excel create a new worksheet or select one of the existing sheets.
6.      Select OK.
Excel displays the PivotChart and the Field List for you to begin choosing your fields and grouping data.
7.      Add fields to view the chart.